Sometimes you’re the bug and sometimes you’re the windshield…

Sometimes you’re the bug and sometimes you’re the windshield…

If you know me, you know I’m a planner. I like to have an idea of what to expect at least over the next few days.

What day and time are we leaving to go somewhere? How long are we staying? What’s the weather supposed to be like? Because the last thing I want to be is cold, so if it’s under 60 degrees, count me out. 🙅🏼‍♀️

Well…what happens when things don’t go as planned?

First, we complain about it a little. Honestly. It’s human nature. You thought you had it all figured out, but the universe decides to throw a wrench at you. (2020, anyone?)

Next, you have to shake it off. We adapt and overcome. Stuff happens! You have to learn how to suck it up buttercup, and keep going.

Easier said than done, am I right? 😂

Ready to roll! Or so we thought 😂

Last Friday night, Cody and I thought we had it all figured out. We were towing his Monte Carlo down to South Carolina and planned on staying with my parents for the weekend. The plan was to test the Monte and my Fireturd for a few hours at the local dragstrip on Saturday.

About 25 minutes from home, we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner. (Cody’s an addict, and I love some mac-and-cheese). As we are turning into the parking lot, we notice smoke rolling off the right side of the car trailer. 🤔💨

We park, get out of the truck, and instantly get that all-too-familiar stench of sizzling wheel bearing grease. It’s sprayed all over the outside of the wheel and the dust cap for the axle is long gone.

The wheel bearings are ruined with just shredded remnants hanging out of the hub. Of course, this is literally the one time we have left the house without bringing a floor jack. 🤦🏼‍♀️

So, the hub is scalding hot from friction, but it’s like 38 degrees outside. I’m wearing yoga pants and a thin sweatshirt. Brilliant. (I didn’t know we would be standing outside with the wind blowing for 1.5 hours, give me a break, okay?)

jess wagon wheelie at greer 3-6-21

Needless to say, we were not very prepared. 😅

With limited tools, no floor jack, and vanishing patience, Cody wrestles with this mess…in the cold. After a lot of struggle, more than a few curse words, frustrated and freezing, we finally limp the truck and trailer back home.

For many, this is where the story might end. We tried, it didn’t work, so we just gave up. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But, us? No way!

We unload the Monte Carlo into the basement, jump back in the truck, and hit the road towards SC. If nothing else, we are determined to get something done this weekend. 😂

Plans changed. Actually, the universe tossed that wrench at us, but we let it bounce off with minor injury. 🔧

jess firebird greer dragway 3-6-21

I still took my Fireturd to the racetrack and made a few passes without the throttle stop. It even ran as quick as an 8.63 in the eighth-mile, which is pretty good for a stock LT1 motor. I was able to play around with shooting some video footage and work on those skills. (I’ve got some exciting ideas and plans for that in the future, so stay tuned 😉).

Dad and Cody adjusted the carburetor on my wagon and Dad made some test hits for me. (That way I wasn’t running around like a crazy person trying to run two cars at once). They even put one of Cody’s carburetors on for a couple passes to make sure that it would be consistent for the Monte.

s-10 wiring
A sneak peek of the wiring for Cody’s S-10. All of this will be hidden behind the factory dash.

Afterward, they started wiring Cody’s S-10 and it is getting so close to being finished! I can’t wait until that thing is turning heads at the racetrack, because trust me, it’s badass.

After a cold and somewhat miserable start to the weekend, it all worked out in the end.

I heard a quote the other day that said, “Either you win or you learn.” I’m trying to use the moments that don’t go the way we planned as teachable moments. It’s all about mindset, right?

Luckily, it hasn’t been too much of a change. I’ve always been a glass-half-full kinda girl, anyways. 😜

Until next time,

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